Yeşil_İz Platform’s Website is On!

24 February 2022

Studies started under a TÜBİTAK Project called “European Green Deal: Threats and Opportunities for Turkey, Internationally Extensive and Dynamic General Balance Analysis” coordinated by Prof. Dr. Alp Erinç Yeldan from the Department of Economics at Kadir Has University. A website is now on as a platform of “Yeşil_İz Climate Crisis and European Green Deal Monitoring Center” established under the scope of the project.


The United Nations World Meteorological Organization (WMO) stated that the world’s average temperature between 2010 and 2010 was recorded as 14.7 degrees, which is 0.8 degree above the average of the 20th century. Considering this fact, we need to prioritize the limitation of the emissions of CO2 and other greenhouses gases which cause climate warming in order to keep our earth’s temperature at about 15 degrees.

The European Union (EU) set out a new plan of production and consumption pattern under the framework of the European Green Deal – EGD in December, 2019. Within the scope of this plan, the EU announced that it would follow a strategy which puts the fight against climate change and environmental pollution that threaten our planet on the center of the European society and politics in order to change positively the behaviors and attitudes of the EU, industry, agriculture, energy and consumption.  In line with the EGD plans, it is aimed that the EU member countries would turn themselves into an economic structure with “net zero carbon emission”.

The EGD that includes the economic, social and ecological objectives as a whole is seen as a herald of a new era and it is expected to affect not only the EU members but also all the countries with commercial, financial and political relationships with the EU. The EGD also offers risks and opportunities for Turkey as a country with about half of its export to the EU.


Kadir Has University hosts a project intended to make research on the effects of the strategic transformation created by the EGD on the economy of Turkey, analyze the contributions and facilities of Turkey to the global fight against climate crisis and, possible results thereof from a wider point of view and, share the progresses with public:

Studies started under a TÜBİTAK Project called “European Green Deal: Threats and Opportunities for Turkey, Internationally Extensive and Dynamic General Balance Analysis” coordinated by Prof. Dr. Alp Erinç Yeldan from the Department of Economics. A website is now on as a platform of Yeşil_İz Climate Crisis and European Green Deal Monitoring Center established under the scope of the project.

This project supported by TÜBİTAK ARDEB 1001 Program will continue for three years. However, it is anticipated that the acceleration to be created by the project and, the findings planned to be obtained would bring the effects far beyond this schedule. Within the scope of this project, the Yeşil_İz Platform aims to: 

  • Monitor the strategy of the European Green Deal (EGD) strategy and, the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) expected to be commissioned as the key element of this strategy within the historical development thereof;
  • Analyze the expected effects of the commodity chains to be created after the CBAM on the international job sharing of the EGD;
  • Examine the position of the Emerging Market Economies that are the competitors of Turkey in global economic competition and, carry out an analysis on the threats and opportunities that the Turkish industries may face during this global competition;
  • Monitor the medium-long term macroeconomic effects of the practices of the EGD and the CBAM on the whole of the Turkish economy; 
  • Discuss the possible adverse effects adaptation mechanisms to be created by the actions and policies of Turkey towards the EGD process on the growth and emission paths of the EU;
  • Study on the costs and potential benefits of the EGD on the Turkish financial businesses;
  • Highlight the urgency of the green transformation for the economy of Turkey with the engagement of all the respective stakeholders.

The website of the Yeşil_İz Platform, which looks out for a future during which all the resources of our planet will be respected for a cleaner and more livable world aiming for reaching all individuals and corporations that wish to contribute in the light of science to a more fair fight against climate crisis, will be used as an open platform on which workshops and interviews with specialists at national and international level will be shared with public.

To follow the studies of Yeşil_İz Climate Crisis and European Green Deal Monitoring Center please visit these links:

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