Seminars on Management – Assoc. Prof. İsmail Gölgeci
Seminars on Management series, organized by Kadir Has University Department of Business Administration, is hosting Assoc. Prof. İsmail Gölgeci from Aarhus University on Friday, November 26.
You can watch Dr. Gölgeci’s talk titled “Facing and tackling the fear of not keeping up (FONKU)” on Zoom.
We explore the phenomenon of “the fear of not keeping up” (FONKU), a growing concern for leaders in the digital era. A qualitative examination of FONKU pointed to leaders’ internal tensions and anxieties resulting from their expected levels of informedness and competitiveness due to the rapid technological and organizational changes. Drawing from 51 in-depth interviews with leaders from the UK and Canada, we develop a theory about how leaders face and tackle FONKU. We found that FONKU is both disruptive and constructive. Leaders feeling FONKU experienced disruptive and stressful effects, including an existential questioning of themselves and their jobs. Nonetheless, they also developed deeper reflexivity amidst uncertainty, realized the gap between their current selves and the ideal selves, and held themselves accountable for exceptional standards of creativity and productivity. Our model informs a broad range of leadership issues, including new pathways for reinventing the self, reframing, reflexivity, and well-being.
Seminars on Management
Title: “Facing and tackling the fear of not keeping up (FONKU)”
Speaker: Assoc. Prof. İsmail Gölgeci, Aarhus University, Herning/Denmark
Date: November 26, Friday, 18.00 (GMT+3)
Zoom Meeting ID: 895 5813 1196